Monday, April 06, 2009

This is the work of a true craftsman. These lamps are very very beautiful.
Friday, June 20, 2008

Check out these cool
light sculptures by Dylan Kehde Roelofs. The golden, intimate light of Yesterday, in the Bulb of Tomorrow.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Check out this absolutely mesmerizing (17 minute!) video of a French amateur radio operator who rolls his own vacuum tube triodes! I love the ease with which he performs these rather high-end skills (like glass forming), the gestural flourishes (like it's hand magic), and the Zelig-esque soundtrack.
Labels: video tubes
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
To vote for you know who, please
click here»
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Here is the latest project on display at the Made in Chelsea exhibit. Always looks nice on a wall. Nanda also has a few of her paintings there. I am really liking this dot thing I am doing. This is dot Nanda #1; measures 30" x 30".
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Here is a "work-in-progress" shot of a new project. I am not sure what to call it. A painting? — there is no paint used. Pointillism? — I wouldn't even come close to Seurat. Dottillism? — Maybe...
As you can see my muse is the same, still so inspiring.... This is a step up from my
last project which is kind of close to this. Once this is done I will take a better photograph during the day.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My tube sculptures are now also available to the world at Saatchi's
online gallery. Be sure to check it out. You can view some work and see my profile.
The Saatchi online gallery is really great. Although the site is somewhat of a usability disaster, they are working hard at updating it when they can. Not bad for a free service...
Also don't forget I am in the
Saatchi Showdown too!